A day of great pride for me when I was invited by Dr. Sunitha from my alma mater to give a talk on Save Scrap & Sew to the Manipal University students. It was also a day of firsts. This was the first time I addressed university students. Look at the efforts they put to promote the talk. More than 100 students attended the session and around 25 of them signed up to become buddies. Shambavi Let’s #SaveScrapNSew.
Wonderful session at Amity University with these bunch of enthusiastic students who became buddies in saving the landfill. Thanks to Vijayalakshmi for the introduction and Dr. Niva for inviting us to share the ethos and passion of SSS. Zamin stitched a sheet with the help of buddies who sorted and cut the pieces. Some panels and pillows were readied for the next session. #SaveScrapNSew Shambavi.